Improving people’s lives in Northern Ireland

Caring with a difference
at Kirk House


Click the link to visit our gallery of images taken at our annual summer fete. A fantastic day was had by all and the weather was definitely on our side. 

CLICK HERE  to see some photographic highlights from across last year. 

What a year and what a community we have here at Kirk House

Our residents were delighted to be invited to Daffodil Day at Campbell College, Belfast.  What a delight as they were greeted as special guests by some of the pupils and piped in by the College pipers.  A delicious afternoon tea was followed by some light entertainment and lots of chat with pupils and teachers.  Our huge thanks to Campbell College for the invitation and for a memorable occasion, especially for one of the residents who was a former pupil and was able to look at photos of himself in the rugby team in his 'slightly' younger days. 

Our residents in Memory Lane had lots of fun working on their banner for the coronation of King Charles.

Residents and staff celebrated Valentine's Day in their own special way, with a craft session. Loadsa love in that room!
