Improving people’s lives in Northern Ireland

Caring with a difference
at Kirk House


BCM Kirk House has been taking part in a pilot 'Connecting Care Homes' Project. The residents and young people from local schools and youth clubs were brought together by Linking Generations Northern Ireland, who are now competing for £50,000 of National Lottery Funding to make the project spread across Northern Ireland. The project connects care homes to their local community through bringing local schools and youth groups together with residents of the care home to complete a range of projects and activities, from arts, fashion, music, crafts and reminiscence. 

Twenty-one residents of Kirk House joined the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Alderman Brian Kingston for tea on Monday 13th March. They also enjoyed a tour of the City Hall. 
 A great day was had by all. Thank you.

Thank you to all the guests who participated in a celebration of Linking Learning Growing Together project, highly commended in 2016 Awards, which took place on 30 January 2017. We are proud of all OLSPCK students and pupils from Gilnahirk Primary School who worked with the residents of Kirk House. The project enabled all the participants, both young and older, to experience some unforgettable moments, learn new skills, share their stories and learn from one another.

The 'Staircase to Memories' Intergenerational Event brought back a lot of memories and nostalgia. The residents at Kirk House together with Tullycarnet Youth Project created a unique experience for all those who attended the event. The exhibition was impressive with old photographs, posters, documents and memorabilia being displayed, but the Fashion Show was the highlight of the afternoon.

Here is a snapshot of the event for those of you who could not attend it.

The residents of Kirk House together with Tullycarnet Youth Project and Linking Generations Northern Ireland have the pleasure to invite you to a unique 'Staircase to Memories: Intergenerational Reminiscence Event & Fashion Show', which will take place on Saturday 29 October.
To obtain more information please contact Kirk House on 028 9040 2938.
